Dismantling Racism in Our Town

Registration for Dismantling Racism in Our Town is now open! Dismantling Racism In Our Town is a seven-week learning journey offered by and for those who live, work, study and/or worship in Lexington or nearby towns. It is designed to strengthen our personal and collective awareness of anti-Black racism and its consequences; and to commit together to undo and repair the legacies of racism and white supremacy in ourselves and our communities. Please join us!

The fall session will be meeting via Zoom on Wednesday mornings from 9:00am to 11:00am, running from September 18 through October 30.

Learn more and  register here for this popular, free learning & action series!  Contact us at LexDismantlingRacism@gmail.com with questions.

Supported by the Lexington Human Rights Committee and the Lexington Lyceum Advocates.